Happy Feel Good Friday, and welcome to Kirsty Ferry as she celebrates the forthcoming release of Lily’s Secret.
It’s lovely to have you back on my blog, Kirsty. And congratulations on the new book. Before we dive into that, as we’re living in such strange times at the moment, I am asking all my Feel Good Friday authors if they have a top tip to promote wellbeing?
Do something nice for yourself every day – it doesn’t have to cost money. You can have a nice bubble bath or take a flask of coffee somewhere on a walk, and take the time to sit down and drink it quietly. Don’t feel guilty about doing your ‘thing’. It’s your time and to help you. For me, if I can, I like to do something creative as well – during lockdown, for example, I got out my art stuff and painted some pictures.
I also learned bookbinding. I couldn’t resist treating myself to these papers for it, and am already planning on how gorgeous the books will look!
What lovely things to do, and great advice, especially about not feeling guilty – something I think many people do when they take time for themselves.
I know this is an exciting week for you, please tell us a little about your new novel:
Lily’s Secret is the second book in the Pencradoc Cornish Secrets series. It’s a sequel to A Secret Rose, and centres around a modern-day aspiring actress called Cordelia, and Lily Valentine, a glamorous Victorian actress with a scandalous secret. Cordelia finds the two worlds clashing in a way she never anticipated, and there are ghosts and mystery aplenty… The extract below is when Cordy “meets” Matt, a fellow visitor to Pencradoc.
Matt strolled back to the car and brought out his luggage. One case of clothing, one case of art equipment and of course his easel. Balancing them all carefully, he headed up the steps, feeling his way with his toes, unwilling to trip as he went inside the Hall.
He made it as far as the bottom of the grand staircase, but then his toe connected with another shambolic pile of luggage and he stumbled over it all.
He dropped his case of clothing, but saved the easel and his art equipment – despite a few choice curses echoing around the hallway as the case crashed onto the floor and burst open, scattering his T-shirts and socks all over the floor.
‘Hmm. Sorry about that …’
Matt snapped his head up, anger bubbling up inside him as he opened his mouth to respond to the speaker and direct a few of those choice curses towards them.
‘… but you really should have been looking where you were going.’
He stopped, the words dying on his lips as he tried to formulate an answer. On the bottom of the steps was a tall, graceful redhead. Her hair was held back from her face by a green polka dot hairband, and she had a definite 1960’s vibe going on with her black-and-white checked capri pants and green halter-neck top. She was a woman who didn’t appear to lack confidence as she stared at him out of bright blue, curious eyes. He blinked. He knew her from somewhere; he was pretty certain he’d seen her before.
Oh you left us on a cliff hanger there! But luckily we don’t have long to wait to be able to read more. Lily’s Secret is out on 7th July and can be preordered here Amazon | Choc Lit.
I know you are always busy, what can we expect from you next?
I’ve started a fourth book in the Cornish Secrets series, but I haven’t got very far with it. However, there is a Christmas book already written and submitted so hopefully we’ll get to spend a Christmas at Pencradoc this year!
Wow! Good luck with it.
Finally, before you go, I love to ask my guests five quick fire questions for fun:
Sun or snow? Sun. Definitely. I never used to mind snow until I learned to drive. Then I began to hate it!
Paperback, ebook or audio? Paperback. I can take it in the bath with me and if I drop it, it won’t kill the book or the device…
Cinema or Netflix? Depends – I recently discovered live streams of ballets at the cinema so I love them, but I can’t really rock up at the Odeon with my PJs on and a glass of wine like I can do in the comfort of my own home!
Popcorn or pic n mix? Pic n mix – I love giant strawberries, wine gums and fizzy laces! Popcorn is healthier but gets boring much more quickly!
Hotel or hostel? Hotel. I have standards and prefer not to share a toilet!
Fab answers, Kirsty. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. xx
About the author:
Kirsty Ferry is from the North East of England and lives there with her husband and son. She won the English Heritage/Belsay Hall National Creative Writing competition in 2009 and has had articles and short stories published in various magazines. Her work also appears in several anthologies, incorporating such diverse themes as vampires, crime, angels and more.
Kirsty loves writing ghostly mysteries and interweaving fact and fiction. The research is almost as much fun as writing the book itself, and if she can add a wonderful setting and a dollop of history, that’s even better.
Her day job involves sharing a building with an eclectic collection of ghosts, which can often prove rather interesting.
You can follow Kirsty, and find out more about her work here: Facebook | Twitter | website | blog
Don’t miss author, Helen Bridgett, stopping by for Feel Good Friday, next week. xx