Today, I am delighted to welcome Choc Lit author Christine Stovell to my blog. Thank you for agreeing to join me Christine and for answering my questions, aimed at discovering more about you and your novella, Moonbeams in a Jar.
For those who haven’t yet encountered your wonderful, stand-alone novella, Moonbeams in a Jar, give us your elevator pitch:
Control-freak Chloe and adrenaline-junkie Ryan have fallen hard for each other, but neither is willing to compromise their lifestyle until fate intervenes in the form of their dogs, Wilma and Fred.
This was my first visit to your fictional seaside town, Little Spitmarsh, and I loved it. If Chloe wrote a postcard home, how might she describe the location?
“No wonder so few people have heard of Little Spitmarsh! It’s a really isolated seaside town divided from its neighbours by miles of salt marsh and hemmed in by the sea. I love the sense of loneliness about the landscape, but apparently the place was struggling to survive until a smart restaurant opened. There’s a story that the woman who runs the boatyard here was bitterly opposed to the guy who opened the restaurant but now they’re married! These days, Little Spitmarsh retains its salty character but also has a smattering of galleries, cool vintage shops and even an annual film festival. For me, though, the backwaters here will always be very special; in winter the raw north wind can cut you to the bone, but in summer the sky over the marshes shimmers with heat and birdsong. Most importantly, of course, it’s the place where I first met Ryan!”
I enjoyed Chloe’s trip to Hong Kong and recently read that you visited with your hubby. For those planning to go what three romantic musts, would you recommend?
Yes, you’re right – it was a fabulous holiday of a lifetime to a city of dramatic contrasts. Anyone who reads Moonbeams in a Jar might spot one or two of my favourite romantic musts, but it won’t spoil the story to tell you that I absolutely loved crossing Victoria harbour on the Star ferries, especially under a full moon. Seeing the city in the glow of first light from our hotel room was rather wonderful as was soaring through the sky in a crystal cable car. Like Chloe, I also had my fortune told… but I’m still waiting for fame, wealth and the shedloads of sales for my books I was promised. I suspect the fortune teller might have been pulling my leg just a little.
Where did the inspiration come from for your swoon-worthy leading man, Ryan Green?
I honestly don’t know! I can say, hand-on-heart, that I never set out to ‘create’ a leading-man and I only meet them when my heroines do. I was delighted to meet Ryan as he happens to be rather lush, lucky Chloe!
I have a soft spot for dogs, real and fictional. Wilma, the dachshund, and Fred, the basset hound, were both great contributors to the action. Were they based on furry friends in your life?
Wilma and Wurst, a dachsie who makes a guest appearance in my novella, Only True in Fairy Tales, both share character traits with Zorba (pictured above) a miniature dachshund who was the great dog love of my life. He was a renowned hunter and destroyer of footwear and was the only living creature to stick his nose in Dad’s slippers and survive. It broke my heart when we lost him.
What a great picture, Zorba looks a fabulous character and I completely understand the heartbreak of your loss.
Finally, five for fun:
- Sweet or savoury? Dark chocolate – I’m an addict!
- TV or radio? Spotify; I love a good Spotify-fest
- Paperback or e-reader? E-reader – I know that causes people a sharp intake of breath, but I’m a fast reader and I like having lots of books at hand to choose from.
- Posh frock or joggers? Skinny jeans and running leggings (not at the same time!).
- Sun or Snow? Sunshine all the way.
My review:
Moonbeams in a Jar is a lovely story, with likeable lead characters, great settings, and dogs (always a plus)!
I hadn’t read Christine Stovell’s previous Little Spitmarsh stories, but it didn’t matter, I soon felt right at home in the seaside town. I was drawn to the characters, especially the rather lovely Ryan who has plenty of swoon appeal.
I particularly enjoyed the trip to Hong Kong, not just because it was delightfully romantic but also because it was an unexpected location. I read many romance novels and haven’t been transported to this setting before. It was a real treat as the author brought the city to life and wowed me with its charms.
As a novella, this was the ideal length for reading en route to my holiday and made my time away start with a smile. A fab little holiday read!
Publisher: Choc Lit
Genre: Contemporary romance, novella
Links to buy the book Amazon UK | Amazon.Com | Kobo |
About the author:
Winning a tin of chocolate in a national essay competition at primary school inspired to Christine Stovell to become a writer. Setting off, with her husband, from a sleepy seaside resort on the east coast in a vintage wooden boat to sail halfway round Britain provided the inspiration for her ‘Little Spitmarsh’ series of novels, but never cured her seasickness although she continues to sail.
As well as writing long and short contemporary romantic fiction and poetry, Christine has written features for various magazines and is a regular contributor to The English Home magazine.
Christine lives on the beautiful west Wales coast where long-distance running helps her plan her plots. Half marathons, she thinks, especially when the going gets tough, are like novels; both begin with small steps.
You can discover more about Christine and her writing here: Blog | Twitter | Facebook |
Thank you for taking part in my Q&A and for the great read, Christine. My reviews are added to Amazon UK and Goodreads. xx