As February is the month of love, I have a host of wonderful romance authors stopping by my blog to share flirty extracts from their novels! Well you know, any excuse 😉
Today, I am excited to welcome Hannah Pearl, who is #SharingTheLove with an extract from her novel Evie’s Little Black Book … over to you Hannah!
Evie’s Little Black Book
“‘You’re beautiful.’
I laughed and pretended that my heart wasn’t beating at a million miles an hour. He leant forward and kissed me, gently and sweetly, on the lips. ‘There. Now you can go home knowing that you’ve remembered how attractive you are,’ he said.
‘I didn’t make the first move. Last time I had the confidence to kiss him. It’s been a while since I felt able to do that without worrying that I was misreading the signs.’
‘Then kiss me first,’ Jake suggested. ‘I don’t mind, if it’ll help you with your mission I mean.’
He smiled, and for a moment I forgot how many people were crowded around us. I forgot all the men I’d met before and, most importantly, I forgot all those who came
after. Leaning forward, I kissed Jake, just for the briefest of moments, and it felt perfect.”
Thank you for sharing your lovely extract Hannah, Evie’s Little Black Book is on my to be read list!
Discover more about Evie’s Little Black Book:
Is hunting down every man you’ve kissed the answer to finding Mr Right?
When Evie is invited to the wedding of the guy she’d fancied throughout her teens, it’s the final straw. What’s wrong with her and why can’t she keep a man?
In between consoling herself with ice cream and chocolate, and sobbing her heart out to her cousin Chamaine, Evie has a brainwave – and it all centres around her ‘little black book’ (well, more floral patterned notebook really) – which contains the details of every man she’s ever kissed or dated. Perhaps the cure for her disastrous love life has been nestled within its pages all along …
Does Evie’s little black book really hold the answers, or will she learn that exes are exes for a reason?
Publisher: Ruby Fiction
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Buy the book Amazon UK |
About the author:
Hannah Pearl was born in East London. She is married with two children and now lives in Cambridge.
She has previously worked as a Criminology researcher, as a Development Worker with various charities and even pulled a few pints in her time.
In 2015 she was struck down by Labrynthitis, which left her feeling dizzy and virtually housebound. She has since been diagnosed with ME. Reading has allowed Hannah to escape from the reality of feeling ill. She read upwards of three hundred books during the first year of her illness. When her burgeoning eReader addiction grew to be too expensive, she decided to have a go at writing. In 2017 she won Simon and Schuster’s Books and the City #heatseeker short story competition, in partnership with Heat magazine, for her short story The Last Good Day.
Hannah is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association.
Discover more about Hannah Pearl here: Twitter | Blog | Ruby Fiction
Don’t miss me (Carol Thomas) #SharingTheLove with an extract from The Purrfect Pet Sitter, on my blog tomorrow. xx
Carol Thomas writes contemporary romance novels, with relatable heroines whose stories are layered with emotion, sprinkled with laughter and topped with irresistible male leads. Discover more here.