With Valentine’s Day nearly upon us, and so many lovely heroes still to choose from, Book Boyfriend Blind Date continues!
Once again the lovely authors from Choc Lit and Ruby Fiction have been answering these two, all important questions to help you find the perfect Valentine’s date:
If I went on a blind date with the hero from your book, how would I recognise him and where would he take me?
And so it is with very great pleasure, that I invite you to get a drink, sit back and enjoy, as you join me, in considering which of these heroes you would choose from book boyfriend blind date round two:
Josh Owens – you’d mostly recognise him by his delicious New Zealand accent, but you can’t really miss him as he’s tall and has the kind of looks that could sell millions of bottles of aftershave if he stared moodily out of an advert – clear green eyes, black tousled hair and dark stubble.
Where would he take you? To a little country pub somewhere near the Welsh border, where you could sit in near the open fire and feel as though you’d known him forever, time had stood still for centuries and the past was only a breath away …
Marc Peterson from Little Pink Taxi by Marie Laval
Marc Petersen, the hero of Little Pink Taxi, is half French but he has fallen in love with Scotland. Therefore he would definitely take you there for a blind date. It would be in a hotel in a beautiful old castle, with roaring fires in the massive stone fireplaces, a cosy lounge where you would enjoy a dram of whisky or a locally brewed pine needle beer (rumoured to put you in the mood for romance), and a restaurant serving delicious and heart-warming dishes. There would also be four-poster beds, atmospheric views of a loch and perhaps even a ghost or two…
You would recognise him straight away by his sexy French accent, of course!
William James Austen from Dance Until Dawn by Berni Stevens
Will is a vampire, so he’d probably be the very pale man lurking in the shadows. Tall, dark and devastating with a wit as sharp as his teeth, and very hypnotic green eyes.
He would almost certainly take you to his club, Dusk, which has live bands playing several nights a week, a very trendy DJ and a werewolf as manager. I hope you like to dance because he’s very fond of dancing – and dancers.
Bill Blythe from Follow A Star by Christine Stovell
Bill Blythe would be fairly easy to spot as he’s tall, strapping and red-haired. His idea of showing a woman a good time would probably be to take her to see the Foo Fighters, but his heart’s very much in the right place. As one happy reader said, ‘Oh my goodness … wouldn’t we all like a Bill in our lives!’
The hero from The Best Boomerville Hotel by Caroline James in her Ruby Fiction debut
The hero in my story (I can’t giveaway a spoiler by telling you who he is!) would wine and dine you in the gorgeous, private, candlelit restaurant in the 17th century panel room at Boomerville. You will recognise him as soon as you walk into the room for he stands, to smile warmly; his handsome face glowing in the light from flames dancing from a fire which burns in a cast-iron grate. The discreet corner table will have an arrangement of red roses and a bottle of chilled champagne. He holds out his hand and as you walk forward he pulls out a chair and you slip your legs under the white linen cloth. He pops the cork with ease and fills your glass and as the deliciously cold bubbles explode in our mouth you gaze at your hero and wonder, ‘Where have you been all my life?’
Nathan Baker from The Purrfect Petsitter by Carol Thomas in her Ruby Fiction debut (well I had to let Nathan join in the fun!)
Nathan has fine stubble and blond, ruffled hair. At around six foot two he is tall and has a muscular physique. If he isn’t in uniform (he’s a fireman) then he’ll be smart casual in his favourite, Timberland does lumberjack, jeans, t-shirt and open checked shirt, style. Being an extreme sports enthusiast Nathan would happily take you on a date that thrills. But if what you fancy is cuddling up in front of an open fire, sharing a bottle of wine and getting to know each other better, he’s pretty good at that too.
I am so going to miss my inbox filling up with these fabulous answers. I hope you’ve found someone to spend a bit of quality time with this February. I think I am just going to read all of the answers one more time before I make my final choice 😉 Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
Thank you so much to all those who took part. You can find all of these lovely authors on Twitter: Christina Courtenay | Marie Laval | Berni Stevens | Christine Stovell | Carol Thomas | Caroline James | Choc Lit | Ruby Fiction |
Haven’t discovered Book Boyfriend Blind Date 1? Don’t miss out, check it out here!

I like the sound of Caroline James’ mystery hero, he sounds like he’d be the perfect gentleman.
He certainly does and such a lovely setting for your date too. xx
I really like the sound of Nathan in The Purrfect Petsitter. Loving the fireman physique and the idea of a night in cuddled up in front of fire with wine.
I rather like Nathan myself too, but I could be biased. 😉 xx
Marc Petersen would be my choice because I love all things French (having accidentally lived there for four years) and it would be good to speak the language again. Also, I wouldn’t mind going out for a bite with William – but who would be the biter?
It would be Marc this time because, even if reading books in English is no problem at all and chatting in written form almost as easy, I have big doubts about my ability to hold a spoken conversation, so I would be happy to meet someone who can speak my first language. Also, “a beautiful old castle, with roaring fires in the massive stone fireplaces” and “atmospheric views of a loch”… Sounds great!
Can’t wait to read the book later this month. And speaking of books I’m looking forward to adding to the “Choc Lit and Ruby Fiction” folder of my Kindle, I voted for the cover of yours a few days ago so I suppose we can expect a cover reveal soon?
Ah that’s lovely to hear, thank you. Yes, a cover reveal is coming very soon 🙂 And, I agree, Marc and that romantic setting sound like an ideal date. x
Marc Peterson sounds perfect 😍
He is certainly proving very popular x
Thanks Carol for this lovely idea! Sadly, I have never, ever, been on a romantic date for Valentine’s day, and I fear it is too late for me now…
Thank you so much for joining in Marie, and I can’t wait to read Little Pink Taxi. As for the date, it’s not too late to grab one of these lovely heroes and make a date that won’t disappoint.