Welcoming Gina Hollands, as she shares her top tip for wellbeing and an extract from her feel good Friday read, Little Village of Second Chances.
Hello Gina, I’ve been gathering lots of good advice from fellow authors and would love to hear your top tip to promote wellbeing?
Treat yourself! Do whatever makes you happy with the time and money you have to do it. For me, an absolutely blissful day would be a day off work, head into town, have a coffee (on my own!) and buy myself something nice to wear. A bonus would be to go out for dinner that evening so I can show off my new purchase! I’m sure to feel fantastic after all that, especially if there’s a glass of wine and a big nosh up involved!
That sounds great, I think we are all missing doing those things at the moment.
I love the cover of your new book, and the fact it is about a second chance romance. Tell us a little more about it:
Little Village of Second Chances is a modern day romance set in a Yorkshire village. It’s about two people who really don’t want to fall in love with each other because they’re on opposing sides. Both these people, Sarah and Shay, have had very challenging things happen to them in their pasts, to the point they’ve almost given up on finding happiness again. Despite their past heartaches, Sarah and Shay enjoy plenty of light and (I hope!) funny moments, which I’d like to think create a heart-warming read.
My aim was to create an accessible and enjoyable romance with characters readers can relate to. Shay and Sarah try their best to be good people but, like all of us, they have their flaws, and they have to work these out if they hope to have a bright future together. Although they’re both fiercely independent , they find a strength in each other that helps them thrive.
Accessible, enjoyable and relatable, some of my favourite words when it comes to picking a feel good read.
And just for a bit more of a tease, please share an extract:
‘How about we go down here?’ Shay nodded towards The Shambles, the quaint old street lined with overhanging timber-framed buildings, all leaning forwards slightly as if whispering into each other’s roof eaves. ‘I know a great little wine bar about halfway down.’
The Shambles was Sarah’s favourite street in York – where she often used to treat herself to the odd purchase after she’d been paid or at least a coffee in one of the quintessentially English cafés. Tonight, however, she didn’t think venturing down the ancient street was such a good idea.
‘Um.’ She looked down at her heels. ‘I’m not sure I’m wearing the appropriate footwear to navigate those pavements and cobbles.’
‘That’s easily solved.’ Without warning, he swept her up into his arms.
She let out a yelp and flung her arms around his neck, where his hair was starting to curl up at his jacket collar.
‘I’m far too heavy for this,’ she yelped.
‘Trust me,’ he said. ‘You’re as light as a feather compared to Mrs Grey.’
‘Never mind.’
‘I don’t know what you’re talking about, you crazy man.’ She laughed, as he strode down the middle of the cobbled roads much to the amused glances of everyone they passed. She’d never seen him like this before – jolly and carefree. It was a version of him she liked. Very much. She rested her head in the crook of his neck, enjoying his warmth and the strength of him pressing against her. If only she could lose herself to the happiness of this moment. Instead, confusion whirled inside her. Since leaving hospital and moving in with Shay, he’d been distant – aloof with her even, but tonight something about him was different. Was it because she’d mentioned moving away? Was he in high spirits because he knew they wouldn’t have to dance around each other for much longer?
‘Here we go, my lady.’ He set her down outside a tiny, cosy-looking wine bar with fairy lights crisscrossed in its dark windows. The swirly silver writing on the door told her it was Romans. She’d never been inside before but had heard from her colleagues in the office it was the most romantic bar in the whole of the city.
Aw, that brought a smile to my face. Little Village of Second Chances was released on June 23rd and is available in ebook and audio: Amazon | Kobo | Audio
As writers are always thinking of their next project. What can we expect from you next?
I’ve just started my new novel, a romcom set in Worthing. I like to write characters who feel that they could be real and who are living through the mundanity of normal life when romance strikes! I write the books I’d like to read – humorous escapism but with a good healthy streak of real life. I’m hoping my new novel will be ready and published by 2021.
That sounds great. Good luck with it, as you know, Worthing is not far from where I live, too.
Before you go, please indulge me by answering five quick fire questions inspired by my nosey nature:
Cinema or Netflix? Cinema! Preferably The Dome on Worthing’s seafront.
Sweet or savoury? Yes.
Tea or coffee? Yes again.
Starter or dessert? Triple yes.
Who would you give your last Rolo to? I’d eat it myself. In the bathroom. When nobody’s watching.
Ha, I think there was a theme to your answers there!
Very best of luck with Little Village of Second Chances and thank you so much for stopping by. xx
About the author:
Originally from Yorkshire, Gina Hollands now lives by the sea in West Sussex with her husband and son. When she’s not working in her job in marketing and PR, or writing her latest book, Gina can be found dancing everything from lindy hop to salsa, shopping (she loves clothes far too much for her own good), eating out (she hates cooking far too much for her own good), or relaxing, which generally involves reading a book someone else has written or indulging in her new hobby of learning to play the piano. She has a sneaky suspicion she may be a musical genius in the making, but isn’t about to give up the day job just yet.
Discover more about Gina and her work here: Twitter | Facebook | Blog
Don’t miss Angela Britnell sharing an extract from her latest novel, A Summer to Remember in Herring Bay, next week.