Supporting Cancer Research UK
Those of you who know me or who have seen my recent social media posts will know that I am currently running a stall for the Chindi Authors, at the Arundel Festival, to raise funds for Cancer Research UK.
This is my third year doing this, and I have said it will be my last. I’ve promised my children and husband I won’t be so busy, or absent for ten days of the summer holidays next year. I enjoy running the stall and supporting the charity, but the ten days is a small part of the overall time it takes to prepare and run the event. I will, of course, miss doing it.
The writers who have books on the stall, and who volunteer to man it, donate their profits to the charity. They get to sign books, and to meet readers. When the sun is shining it is a lovely experience, and when it isn’t, it can be slow going but still amazing when people take the time to stop, say hello and support us.
I know most families are or have been touched by cancer in some way. My mum got breast cancer when she was relatively young – it’s now twenty-four years on, and she is as fit as being eighty will allow. I have a niece who had it at a far too young age, who is now living life to the full with her two daughters. And most recently, finishing her radiotherapy just before the festival started, my amazingly strong, eldest sister, Karen was diagnosed with breast cancer.
So this year, Karen is my inspiration for doing the stall. No matter what life has thrown at her, before and during her cancer treatment – and it has really thrown some terrible things her way – Karen somehow stays positive. She is there for the rest of us, she makes us smile and she is an inspiration. Of course, she has her off days, where she feels overwhelmed, but she carries on and, during her own treatment she has encouraged us all to get checked and to go forward for genetic testing due to our family history. In short, she is amazing, and I am lucky to have her as my big sister!
My big sister stopping by to say hello at the Arundel Festival.
So, in conclusion, I’d like to say three things:
If you are in Arundel come along and say hello to the Chindi Authors – we’ll be outside Cancer Research UK every day up to and including 27th August. We’d love to see you.
And always check yourself for lumps, bumps and things out of the ordinary and seek medical advice and treatment if you are concerned. Cancer doesn’t care how old you are, but in many cases, especially now, it can be treated.
Thank you for reading. xx
P.S.: Also, I just realised I am wearing the same t-shirt in all of these pictures, despite the fact the ones at the top are a year old. Well that’s embarrassing! But can I point out I do own two of them – I am an if I like it buy it twice kind of girl! 😉 xx

Beautifully put, you are a superstar sister putting into words what we all feel, this is an amazing cause xxxxx
My lovely sister Thank you Carol Thomas, we are all human and you carry on, mum gives us insperashion,
She certainly does, lots of love xx
What a moving blog, Carol. Three years of amazing effort for an amazing charity. As you know, in December I’m publishing a book, proceeds of which will go to the same charity. If I can raise half of what you have managed, then I’ll be satisfied. Thanks for all the work you do for CHINDI authors too. xx
Thank you, Angela. I am looking forward to getting my copy of Mavis and Dot. I am sure it will do really well and know how much the project means to you. xxx
Inspirational act of kindness.
Thank you for your too kind words.
Amazing blog, Carol
Thank you x