I started my blog two years ago this month, and it has been lovely to share my writing and reading journey with you. Over the past two years, I have had the privilege to host some wonderful guest authors and to review some great books. Thank you to all those who have contributed and all those who have read my blog to date.
I like to think about my year ahead in my first post in January, and set myself some targets I hope you will hold me to. When I started my blog two years ago, I said I had never travelled anywhere alone. I have subsequently been to Sue Moorcroft’s writing retreat in Umbria. I have attended two Romantic Novelist’s Association conferences and their York Tea. And I hopped on a plane to Dublin for a writing jolly with, my Choc Lit friend, Morton S. Gray. I have loved the adventures.
Morton and I working hard in Dublin!
This year will be a little different as I am also working in a local school. Though I am a qualified teacher, I am currently working as a TA and HLTA. The class and school I am in are lovely and have reminded me how much I miss teaching. But time is tighter. When I get a spare moment – I still have three children under sixteen and my crazy dog to look after – I am writing. So what will this year’s adventures be?
Well, it is a big year for the RNA with their 60th birthday, and so I am hoping to go to the conference in July. I hope to fit in a writing retreat, but I am pondering when and where. I had a productive weekend away just before Christmas, and so will be repeating that at some point. It’s also a big year in my family as my sister, and husband both have their 50th birthdays. For my sister, my eldest daughter and I are planning a weekend away, and for my husband … Eeek! I am not sure yet, but I am aware the time will whizz by.
Bookwise, there is exciting news to come about the paperback release of Maybe Baby. I must get my two, already written, but not yet illustrated children’s books out. And I must get my WIP finished and off to my lovely, patient, publisher. I then have plans for a Christmas novella. Watch this space!
Goodreads tells me I read 22 books last year, really it is 23 as there is another review pending when the book is released. I’ll be trying to improve on that next year. I have, of course, also read with my children and can think of at least another eight chapter books and countless shorter books we’ve shared as bedtime stories. Maybe I should start counting those too.
And here’s the review of my first read of 2020 – A Wedding in December by Sarah Morgan:
This is an enjoyable read, with a beautiful setting. I enjoyed the focus of the story being on a couple in an already established relationship, as it made a nice change. But I also liked the development of the other characters and their relationships too. When a book is by Sarah Morgan, and it’s set in the snow, you know you’re in for a treat, and this didn’t disappoint. Jordan (he lives in a log cabin and drives a snow mobile) was my favourite character – it would have been good to get to know him a little better 😉 Discover more here.
Cineworld tells me I went to see 90 films in 2019, WOW! It was a year for good stories. Regarding recent releases, I highly recommend Little Women, it’s my favourite version to date. And for children (and parents), Spies in Disguise is very funny.
On Netflix, I have greatly enjoyed Atypical and binge-watched all three series in the lead up to Christmas. Not only is it an entertaining show, but it is a good insight into the life of those on the spectrum, or, much closer to home for me, living with those on the spectrum. And if you still haven’t seen Isn’t it Romantic, you should, as you are in for a treat.
And finally, I’d like to wish you a very happy and healthy New Year, thank you for all of your fantastic support. Here’s to another busy year ahead.

What a great blog post, Carol. One of my NY resolutions is to post on my blog more often. It’ll help when we finally get WiFi connected on 14th Jan in our new house! Fab, interesting and newsy post. Happy New Year.
Ange xx
Thank you, Ange. New house and wifi sound exciting, it seems 2020 is off to a great start. xx