Next up on my Christmas countdown is Choc Lit author, Kathryn Freeman, with her feel-good festive read, A Little Christmas Faith …
Welcome to my blog Kathryn, I have read A Little Christmas Faith, but for those who haven’t, how will your characters be spending Christmas?
The characters in A Little Christmas Faith celebrate the festive day in a seventeenth century mill in the Lake District – lovingly converted into a boutique hotel; The Old Mill hotel. What happens on the day does bear some resemblance to my own Christmas. There is a real tree (though Faith, owner of the hotel, has managed to cram a ten foot Normandy fir into her hallway), presents, turkeys, family … and most definitely chaos. Where it differs from mine, is the very heavy sprinkling of romance. (Then again, one year my husband did give me a life size cardboard cutout of Jenson Button.)
Check out the photographic evidence of Kathryn’s favourite Christmas gift below 😉 But first here’s a bit more about A Little Christmas Faith, starting with the blurb:
Is it time to love Christmas again?
Faith Watkins loves Christmas, which is why she’s thrilled that her new hotel in the Lake District will be open in time for the festive season. And Faith has gone all out; huge Christmas tree, fairy lights, an entire family of decorative reindeer. Now all she needs are the guests …
But what she didn’t bank on was her first paying customer being someone like Adam Hunter. Rugged, powerfully built and with a deep sadness in his eyes, Adam is a man that Faith is immediately drawn to – but unfortunately he also has an intense hatred of all things Christmassy.
As the countdown to the big day begins, Faith can’t seem to keep away from her mysterious guest, but still finds herself with more questions than answers: just what happened to Adam Hunter? And why does he hate Christmas?
And as I’ve had the pleasure of reading the book, here’s my review:
“A fabulous, feel-good festive read that will leave you with that all important fuzzy feeling! Likeable characters come together in this delightful Christmas story of love, hope and new beginnings. Adam Hunter is a great male lead, perfect to snuggle up with over Christmas.”
Click here to buy the book.
So with your character’s Christmas all sorted, how do you plan to celebrate Christmas this year?
Christmas chez Freeman is a family affair; children, nieces, grandparents. Sometimes we’re at home, sometimes in Somerset. Always there are daft presents (mixed with a couple of serious ones), champagne, crackers, a huge turkey (if at mine, read over done turkey), the Queen’s speech, a real tree (if at my brother’s, read more trees than Santa’s grotto), a film everyone can watch (and will fall asleep during), and chaos. We also try and drag everyone out for a walk, and always receive an enthusiastic response from the teenage generation (‘do we have to?’).
Oh I do love a big family Christmas, it sounds great! Before you go, I must also ask you to answer five questions from my Christmas selection:
Christmas jumper or posh frock? I start out trying to be posh, but end the day in tracksuit bottoms with plenty of waistband give.
Real or artificial Christmas tree? Real, for the smell, for the look and for the memories as it’s what we always had when I was a child. Sweeping up pine needles is just part of the whole Christmas experience.
Best Christmas gift? That would have to be Jenson of course!
Worst Christmas gift? In the early years of our marriage, my husband gave me a food processor. I can only say it must be love, or we’d never have made it to the next Christmas. He did learn from his mistake, see above 😉
Sprouts or no sprouts? Sprouts, because how can you have Christmas without them? I don’t actually like the things, but I can blame my parents for that, because apparently whether they taste bitter or not to you is all in the genes.
Wow, I never knew that about sprouts but I am claiming that for my excuse now too.
Thank you so much for joining in with my Christmas countdown and I wish you and your family a happy (and joyously hectic) Christmas. xx
About the author:
Kathryn says: “A former pharmacist, I’m now a medical writer who also writes romance. Some days a racing heart is a medical condition, others it’s the reaction to a hunky hero.
With two teenage boys and a husband who asks every Valentine’s Day whether he has to buy a card (yes, he does), any romance is all in my head. Then again, his unstinting support of my career change proves love isn’t always about hearts and flowers – and heroes come in many disguises.”
You can follow Kathryn, and find out more about her work here: Facebook | Twitter | website |
Don’t miss author Angela Barton on my blog on Monday 25th November, for more festive fun. xx