Today, I am delighted to join the blog tour for Jules Wake’s The Saturday Morning Park Run.
The blurb:
The Saturday Morning Park Run
This is the story of two women.
One old, one young.
One looking for new adventures. One looking for a purpose.
Both needing a friend.
And this is how, along with two little girls in need of a family, a gorgeous stranger, and a scruffy dog, they bring the whole community together every Saturday morning for love, laughter and a little bit of running…(well, power walking).
Some people come into your life when you need them the most.
Pre-order Links: Amazon UK |
My review:
This is my first Jules Wake read, and I LOVED IT! The story is a wonderful wake-up call about achieving a good work-life balance, making good friends and taking time for the things that matter. The characters are mostly warm and friendly – people you are happy to share time with. Claire’s sister, Alice, is the exception, but her actions help provide the catalyst for change in Claire’s work filled, but otherwise empty, life. Hilda, an older character, was a blast – I loved her no-nonsense say it as it is ways. Claire and Ash shared a lovely connection that held me from the beginning of the story and kept me interested all the way to the end. It was refreshing for the hero to be vulnerable and to make mistakes, even after it seemed things might be sorted. Overall this is a fab book that will leave you with a big smile. And there’s a dog, what’s not to like?
This is just day one and so you can follow the rest of the blog tour here:
About the author:
Jules Wake announced at the age of ten that she planned to be a writer. Along the way she was diverted by the glamorous world of PR and worked on many luxury brands and not so luxury brands. This proved fabulous training for writing novels as it provided her with the opportunity to hone her writing and creative skills penning copy on a vast range of subjects from pig farming and watches, sunglasses and skincare through to beer and stationery.
She writes best-selling warm-hearted contemporary fiction for One More Chapter as Jules Wake and under her pen name Julie Caplin, she writes the Romantic Escapes series.
Between them, the two Js have written fourteen novels, The Saturday Morning Park Runbeing the latest.
Discover more about Jules Wake and her work here: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram
My reviews are added to NetGalley, Amazon UK and Goodreads. Thank you, to Jules Wake for the fun read, and also to Rachel of Rachel’s Random Resources, and One More Chapter for the advance copy of The Saturday Morning Park Run. xx