Little Pink Taxi by Marie Laval
The Blurb
Take a ride with Love Taxis, the cab company with a Heart …
Rosalie Heart is a well-known face in Irlwick – well, if you drive a bright pink taxi and your signature style is a pink anorak, you’re going to draw a bit of attention! But Rosalie’s company Love Taxis is more than just a gimmick – for many people in the remote Scottish village, it’s a lifeline.
Which is something that Marc Petersen will never understand. Marc’s ruthless approach to business doesn’t extend to pink taxi companies running at a loss. When he arrives in Irlwick to see to a new acquisition – Raventhorn, a rundown castle – it’s apparent he poses a threat to Rosalie’s entire existence; not just her business, but her childhood home too.
On the face of it Marc and Rosalie should loathe each other, but what they didn’t count on was somebody playing cupid …
Genre: RomCom / Contemporary
Publisher: Choc Lit
My review:
I thoroughly enjoyed Little Pink Taxi, with its great combination of interesting characters, drama, comedy, mystery and intrigue. Having bought the book because I liked the cover, I hadn’t expected the ghostly happenings but loved them and their pivotal role in the story. Rosalie and Marc are both very likeable characters with an intriguing backstory. I liked the way Marc’s character developed with a little help from Rosalie, the situations he found himself in and a few unexpected influences along the way. The Cairngorms of Scotland and the rundown Raventhorn castle made the perfect backdrop for the ghostly and romantic goings-on. Overall it was a fabulous read with a few twists and surprises along the way.
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Find Little Pink Taxi on the Choc Lit website.
About the author:
Originally from Lyon in France, Marie now lives in Lancashire with her family. She works full-time as a modern languages teacher, and in her spare times loves writing romance and dreaming about romantic heroes. She writes both historical and contemporary romance, and her historical romance The Lion’s Embrace won the Gold Medal at the Global eBook Awards 2015 (category Historical Romance). She is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association and the Society of Authors. Her native France, as well as her passion for history and research, very much influences her writing, and all her novels have what she likes to call ‘a French twist’!
Find Marie Laval on Twitter or follow her on her blog.
Thank you for the great read Marie.
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