Today, I am welcoming, Choc Lit author, Lucy Keeling, as she shares an uplifting extract from her novel, Just Friends.
Hello Lucy, how are you keeping in this strange new world? Do you have a top tip to promote wellbeing?
Thank you for inviting me onto your blog Carol.
It’s very strange times, and I hope that you and yours and everyone reading is keeping as safe and as well as possible. I don’t know about you but I’m so thankful that we have books, now more than ever, to provide us with a little bit of escapism.
I’m still working, writing and trying to homeschool, and honestly finding the whole experience quite overwhelming at times. But I very quickly learnt that I needed to take the pressure off all of us as a family. Our priority is getting through the day as best we can. If that means I have an early night with a book and bar of chocolate then that’s fine. If it means that the children have a film on in the afternoon (like right now whilst I type this) then so be it. There’s no textbook for this, there’s no guidance on how we best mentally survive a pandemic, so really I just get through the day, anything else is icing on the cake.
That sounds like good advice to me!
Lucy was runner up in Choc Lit’s search for a star competition with her wonderful romantic comedy, Make It Up To You.
This was a book I greatly enjoyed, and as I haven’t shared it on my blog before, here’s my review:
This was a thoroughly modern rom-com with likeable characters. I especially liked the rather gorgeous, male lead, Marcus. I enjoyed spending time with the group of friends and finding out a little more about each of them (though not all is given away, as it is to come in future books). The central love story is sweet, believable and left me with a big smile.
Overall, it is a funny, warm and cosy read with tea and biscuits thrown in, what’s not to like?
As you can imagine from my review, when I heard I was going to get to revisit the characters from Make It Up To You in your new novel, Just Friends, I got more than a little excited about reading it. Can you tell us a little about the story?
Just Friends follows on from Make It Up To You, but believe me it can be read on its own. Just Friends has some of my favourite romantic tropes. There’s a fake relationship, a best friends sister thing, and not to mention a moment where there’s only one bed. Yikes. It follows a group of friends who are fiercely loyal to each other, and it’s how they navigate through their lives together.
Make It Up To You focussed on the relationship development of Sophie and Marcus. Just Friends focuses on Marcus’s sister Polly, and his best mate Bailey. Sophie and Marcus agree that Polly and Bailey should be their best man, and maid of honour, in the hope that it might bring them closer together. But of course it’s never that straight forward. So fans of the first one can enjoy seeing a little bit more of Sophie and Marcus, and fans of banter, cheekiness and endless flirting can enjoy Just Friends too.
That sounds great, I’d love it if you could share a sneak peek, with an uplifting extract?
Sophie and Marcus are moving in together and the friends are all ‘helping’ move their stuff into their new home.
‘You know what we should do?’ Bailey said, deliberately making his voice suggestive.
‘What?’ asked Polly cautiously.
‘We should get into the bed before it’s trashed and take a selfie to send to them later.’
‘Oh my God, that’s genius.’ With that agreement, Bailey quickly took off his shoes and gently got into the bed and watched as Polly did the same on the other side.
‘Oh man, this is one awesome bed.’ Polly stretched out at the same time she pulled the duvet up to her chin. Bailey grinned at her. He knew he shouldn’t but he couldn’t help but think of them in their own place, in their own bed. His heart warmed at the thought. Until Polly started wriggling around.
‘What’s the matter with you?’ Bailey asked.
Polly sighed. ‘I’m on the wrong side and I don’t like it. Hang on.’ Without warning, Bailey was suddenly transported into a place where his fantasies were quickly coming true. Polly had her hands on his shoulders and was swinging her leg over until she was on top of him. He had a moment of feeling her body heat on his chest before she swung the other leg back over.
‘Sorry about that. There we go, that’s better.’
Bailey blinked several times until he could gather the use of his body to move over to the side Polly had vacated. She was right this was better, but now he thought of a hundred ways it could be better still.
‘OK, it’s selfie time.’ Polly stretched her arm up but couldn’t quite get high enough to get the picture right.
‘Hang on, I’ll take it with mine.’ Bailey used his longer arms to try and aim the camera at them but as luck would have it they were too far apart, and before he could suggest it, she moved closer, the next thing he knew she had curled up next to him and moved his arm until it was behind her around her back, her head resting on his shoulder. Taking the picture a few times with them sticking their tongues out, laughing and pulling faces, he reluctantly pulled his arm down, but not before Polly twisted slightly, her body still leaning into his, close enough that he could smell the shampoo that she used, feel the heat of her against his side, feel her hair as it tickled his arm.
She grabbed his phone and looked at the picture. ‘Perfect.’ Polly grinned mischief making her shine. Turning round to look at him, their bodies warm under the duvet and surrounded by each other, Bailey was not able to move. He couldn’t, he wouldn’t, he didn’t want to ruin this tiny fragment in time that he doubted he would ever forget. Studying her eyes he was desperate for some kind of sign that she was interested, something that would tell him it wasn’t one-sided. But, more importantly, he was looking for a sign that he was worthy. Her brown eyes looked nearer gold, and Polly wasn’t looking away either. In fact, she was moving nearer, their faces getting closer, her breath on his cheek.
‘Helloooo. Bailey? Polly?’ Mya must have said something quietly to Paige as the pair of them burst out laughing. Polly jumped up fast enough to injure herself. So fast that he could almost believe the last few minutes had been another one of his intense dreams. He got out of bed and put his shoes back on.
‘We’re up here. We’ve nearly finished the bed. We’ll be down in a minute.’
Bailey watched stunned as Polly flawlessly carried on as if everything was normal, that she hadn’t been leaning forward to kiss him. Bailey shook his head, trying to re-group.
‘Here get going.’ Pulling the duvet completely off they covered the bed sheet with glitter and streamers and confetti and everything, the pair of them laughing quietly the worse they made it.
‘Right. That’s probably enough.’
Polly snorted. ‘It was enough three bags of confetti ago.’
Aww, that was fab! (I’ll confess that Lucy sent me two extracts of the novel to chose from and I loved them both.)
**Just Friends is available to preorder, here, and is released on May 26th.**
What can we expect from you next?
Well, I am now trying to write book three in this series. If you’ve read the first one then you will know that Mya’s occupation is a mystery, maybe by the end of Just Friends you will have an idea, but book three will be all about Mya and I can’t wait to get that written, and hopefully share it with you all in 2021.
Thank you so much for inviting me on your blog, Carol x
That all sounds very exciting, best of luck with it. Thank you so much, Lucy, for stopping by and I can’t wait to read Just Friends. xx
About the author:
Lucy Keeling writes fun, sexy, stories with all of the happily ever afters. When she’s not typing at the kitchen table, she’s arranging and then re-arranging to see her friends for the occasional spot of day drinking. Lucy is currently writing the third book in a Contemporary Romance series, the first of which was Runner-Up in ChocLit’s ‘Search for a Star’ competition. This story has become her romantic comedy debut ‘Make It Up To You’. The second book in the series ‘Just Friends’ is available to pre-order now.
Discover more about Lucy and her work, here: Facebook | Twitter | website
Don’t miss author Jan Brigden, sharing an extract from her novel, If I Ever Doubt You, on Friday 22nd May! xx