HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to fellow Choc Lit author, and Apricot Plots buddy, Angela Barton on the publication of her latest novel, Magnolia House.

What a gorgeous cover!
To celebrate the release of Angela’s new book, we had a virtual catch up and a chat about all things Magnolia House …
1) What can readers expect from Magnolia House?
I’ve been told by people who have read Magnolia House that they’ve laughed and cried over the story. It’s about ordinary people, their flaws, their hang-ups and their innermost private thoughts. Sometimes life’s good; time spent with family and friends, long walks with your dog, excitement of a new friendship or relationship. Sometimes however, nothing seems to go right and we need to search for what, or who, is stopping us from moving on.
2) What was the inspiration behind the story?
It was simply spotting a house on the way from my hotel to The London Book Fair. It was a tall terraced Edwardian townhouse in Hammersmith with a small neat garden at the front. But what drew me to it was a large magnolia tree bursting with fat pink blossoms by the front door. It was about five years ago and I took a photograph of it, but I’ve searched and can’t find it anywhere. I just began wondering who lived there, what they did for a living and who they loved … and a story emerged. I chose to set Magnolia House in Clapham because I was born there.

3) Magnolia House remains a heartwarming, entertaining read, despite the fact Rowan, your main character, faces some tough situations, how did you get that balance?
Thank you. I’m thrilled you found it heart warming and entertaining, Carol. I think a fictional character’s personality is very important to a storyline. They need to be emotionally strong enough to cope with the situations an author will put them through; or if not initially strong enough, they need to be able to grow throughout the book. Rowan is tougher than she believes, but it’s her friends that gently awaken her to that fact. The other characters in a book should be diverse in order to keep the storyline interesting – and a sense of humour really helps. A one-dimensional set of friends wouldn’t be an entertaining read. A love interest always helps too!
4) I loved Rowan’s dog, Jet, and the comfort he provides her, did you base him on one of your own four legged friends?
Yes. I have two spaniels and they are a great source of happiness and comfort to me. They love unconditionally and even when we’re grieving or stressed, we walk, feed and love our pets so they give us purpose to keep putting one foot in front of the other during hard times. I based Klara in Arlette’s Story on Harlyn, my Brittany spaniel. I based Jet in Magnolia House, on Brook, my Springer spaniel.

Angela’s adorable dogs, Brook and Harlyn.
5) If your male lead, James, was on a dating website, what would he list as his main attributes?
Oooh, what a great question! Bit of a cliché, but he’s tall, dark and very handsome. He’s caring and sensitive and has a strong sense of moral integrity. He’s kind, dependable and very importantly, he has a sense of humour. Did I mention his toned obliques?
6) I have also read and enjoyed your historical fiction novel, Arlette’s Story, what can we expect from you next?
I’m writing book four, which is another historical story, but my third book that will be published later this year, is another contemporary women’s fiction novel. I’m intrigued by obsessive compulsions so my hero is struggling with one, brought on by trauma from his past. I also tackle breast cancer, betrayal and infidelity. I certainly don’t give my protagonists an easy ride!
Five for fun:
1) Red or white wine? Sorry, neither. I never developed a taste for alcohol!
2) Mountains or beach? Beach
3) Full English or continental breakfast? Full English with scrambled eggs.
4) Laptop or notebook? Laptop.
5) Walking boots or sandals? Sandals

Because I have already been lucky enough to read Magnolia House, here’s my review:
Magnolia House is a heartwarming and entertaining read that doesn’t shy away from exploring the highs and lows faced by the main character, Rowan. Throughout the story, there are dark and light moments that the author has balanced well. While it incorporates loss, grief and deception, it is undoubtedly also a story of carrying on, and of finding the positives when all around you seems to be falling apart.
Rowan is a strong, likeable character, who doesn’t sit back and let her problems define her. She takes steps toward building a new life drawing the reader into her world, as they gain an understanding of her hopes and fears for the future.
I loved the supporting cast of characters, especially Mason, who brings energy and enthusiasm to all he does, and Jet – Rowan’s adorable dog. James is a likeable male lead, whose role is at first subtle but develops well as the story progresses.
As you’d expect from Angela Barton, the text is descriptive, making it picturesque in its depiction as images are brought to life from the page.
Publisher: Choc Lit
Genre: Women’s Fiction
Links to buy the book Amazon UK | Amazon.Com | Kobo |
About the author:

Angela Barton was born in London and grew up in Nottingham. She is married with three grown up children. Passionate about writing both contemporary and historical fiction, Angela loves researching for her books and is an avid reader. Having signed publishing contracts for three of her completed novels with Ruby Fiction, Angela is excited to be working alongside such a friendly and supportive publishing team. She is a member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association and Nottingham Writers’ Studio.
Having recently moved to France, Angela (alongside her husband, Paul) is now a lavender farmer, creating products from the oil that’s distilled. Angela says she’s looking forward to spending more time writing in the company of her two spaniels while sitting on her veranda overlooking the breath-taking countryside of Charente.
Discover more about Angela Barton here: Twitter | Facebook | Blog | Ruby Fiction
Thank you for the catch up and great read, Angela. I hope you are celebrating your latest release in style!
My reviews are added to Amazon UK and Goodreads. x